We at The August Co. revel in details. It’s conspicuous in the form of a little patch on your placket, some detailing in the inside hem, or even in the modus operandi with which we operate. As we like to maintain a sheer blind of transparency with our customers, that is none other than you, #TheAugustWoman, today we’d like to take you behind the curtain and decipher how we create designs that initially are a mere figment of our imagination and finally transcend to the dress you probably devour.

After hours of research, this is where inspiration strikes us. It might be in the shades of the sky in the evening or even in a particular song we came across or even from a quaint print from some obscure part of India, we let our imagination play guide while we all bask in the glory of new thoughts and ideas.
From a more practical point of view, we also put on our strategic cap of judgment. We keep in mind the season, the trends, the colours, the ethos, and the centric style of the brand when we craft a new collection. After a relentless pursuit of perfection and attention to detail, we ensconce upon designs that are individualistic to our brand.

This is the stage when we match the designs created with the fabric that best compliments our collection. The Merchandiser steps in and also looks into various other crucial factors like cost-effectiveness, logistics, quality, and shipping time to make a few. Fabrics that are sourced for the collections are high quality naturally produced and provide comfort for all-day wear.
We ensure every collection of ours are designed with one or more traditional crafts of India, like Dabu prints and Ikats. Our Merchandiser takes immense care in sourcing the fabrics that are rightfully produced from artisans who deal with the craft.

Embarking on the Sampling stage breathes life into the designs we’ve made. For the first time, the design is tangible, giving us the first, true look and feel of the collection. This is the stage where we get to refine and perfect the idea you have envisaged. It surely is the icing on the cake after spending months on designing, fabric sourcing, and pattern making. After several samples, we finally arrive at “the” finalized samples that will define the collection.
Our team tries on these finalised samples to make sure they are comfortable and are functional above all for all-day wear. Those that do not pass this test are resampled or rejected so the samples that are processed are the ones that have cleared all our checkboxes.

Orchestrating the photoshoot of the collection is gratifying for us as a team as the labour of our love is finally showcased. Right from doing recce and picking the location to the lighting and choosing the right model that’ll portray our collection the best, we focus on all the finer details as well. Clicking angular shots and aesthetically pleasing ones that capture the mood and the theme of the collection, we ensure the photoshoot Is fully rounded to perfection. The result is an array of high-quality pictures that pay attention to the outfit, the colours and the details so that you as a customer can choose with care.
Step 5: LAUNCH

Lights. Camera. Traction. This is the stage when the Collection goes LIVE on our Website and is ardently spoken about on our Social Media handles as well. You can choose from these carefully curated pieces to add to your wardrobe for the season.
Now as you place an order with us, our production team steps in to handle the order. Unlike other retail and mass manufacturing brands, we produce a garment only on order so that our production is sustainable and no outfit or fabric is wasted. The production team takes care to process your order, be it size S or an order placed with custom measurements. Your carefully made garment is quality checked, packed in eco-friendly packaging and is shipped to reach your doorstep.
This is The August Co. decoded for you.